How to Report Conduct Concerns
Dangerous Student
Safety is an immediate concern; Verbal or physical threats to harm others; Active threats of suicide and resists help.
Call 911, then report to Campus Security at 206.934.0911.
Disruptive or Disturbing Student
Threatens harm to self or others, but will accept help. Demonstrates bizarre behavior or communication. Disruptive to the living/learning environment.
Report to Campus Security at 206.934.0911 as soon as possible.
- If possible, notify instructor or other SSC staff member immediately.
- Contact Security at 206.934.0911 or the Vice President of Student Services Office at 206.934.6788.
- Document the situation including:
- Date
- Time
- Location
- People involved
- Witnesses
- Statement of what occurred
Report a conduct issue through Maxient.
An instructor may take appropriate action to maintain order and proper conduct in the classroom and to maintain the effective cooperation of students in fulfilling the objectives of the course. If a student is so disorderly or disruptive that it is difficult or impossible to maintain classroom decorum, that action may include removing that student from that day’s class session.
- Try to deescalate the situation and/or ask the student to leave class for the day.
- Contact and report to Dean
- Contact Security at 206.934.0911 or the Vice President of Student Services Office at 206.934.6788.
- Document the situation including:
- Date
- Time
- Location
- People involved
- Witnesses
- Statement of what occurred
Report a conduct issue through Maxient.
If a student is so disorderly or disruptive that it is difficult or impossible to interact with them, staff should:
- Try to deescalate the situation or obtain assistance from other staff members nearby.
- Contact and report to your supervisor.
- Contact security at 206.934.0911 or the Vice President of Student Services Office at 206.934.6788.
- Document the situation including:
- Date
- Time
- Location
- People involved
- Witnesses
- Statement of what occurred
Report a conduct issue through Maxient.
If staff or faculty member reports a conduct incident to their Supervisor or Dean, the Supervisor or Dean should then contact the Vice President of Student Services at 206.934.6788
Report a conduct issue through Maxient.
What are warning signs of disruptive student behavior?
Disruptive or disturbing students exhibit behaviors that signify an obvious crisis and necessitate more immediate intervention. Examples include:
- Highly disruptive behavior (e.g. verbal hostility, aggression, disregard for classroom decorum and expected conduct, etc.); failure to comply with corrective feedback
- Inability to communicate clearly (garbled, pressured speech; disorganized, confused, or rambling thoughts)
- Loss of contact with reality (seeing or hearing things which others cannot see or hear; irrational beliefs or fears that others may be conspiring against them)
- Stalking behaviors and inappropriate communications (including threatening letters, e-mail messages, harassment)
How should I respond to a disruptive student?
Contact Campus Security Office at 206.934.0911 or the Vice President of Student Services Office at 206.934.6788.
Report a conduct issue through Maxient.
Troubled Student
As you go about your workday, you may interact with students and/or community members who may be in distress or in need of crisis intervention. It may be a student who is troubled, confused, very sad, highly anxious, irritable, lacks motivation and/or concentration; has thoughts about not wanting to live; difficulties in interactions with others.
- Any member of the college community may file a student conduct report against any student when they believe there has been a violation of the student code of conduct.
- Student Conduct incidents are reported to the Vice President of Student Services Office at 206.934.6788.
- Violations may also be reported directly to SSC Security 206.934.0911 as well as the police. SSC Security will directly report the incident to the Vice President of Student Services Office.
- Suicidal thoughts and/or threats to harm others (may be communicated orally or in written formats through email, assignments, or on social networks and academic sites)
- Marked changes in academic performance
- Tardiness and excessive absences inconsistent with prior history
- Withdrawal and/or avoidance from participation, increased anxiety around exams or deadlines, difficulty working in teams
- Changes in emotional states, e.g., sadness, crying, lethargy, irritability, rapid speech, preoccupied, increased and more intense disagreement with peers and instructor, sense of confusion
- Changes in physical well-being, e.g. swollen eyes from crying, increased illnesses, poor self-hygiene, rapid weight loss/gain, sleeping in class
- Repeated requests for special consideration, e.g., deadline extensions, changes in requirements, grade changes
- Behaviors which may interfere with effective management of the learning environment, e.g., outbursts of anger, domination of discussion, derailing the focus of discourse
- Communication in either oral, written, or electronic formats that may suggest a threat to one’s self or others
- Address the situation on an individual level; consider talking to the student about your concerns.
- Deal directly with the behavior, provide corrective feedback and offer to help; Faculty- If needed, you can dismiss a student from class for one class period if it rises to that level.
- If needed, consult Counseling Services 206.934.6409 or the Vice President of Student Services Office at 206.934.6788.
- Document the situation; student behavior, feedback given or received or other steps you took. Please provide dates and witness(es) names whenever possible.
- Forward this information to your Dean or Supervisor.
- Refer to Counseling Services 206.934.6409, and if needed walk the student to the Counseling Services office in the RSB Building.
- For after-hours crisis, please call 211 for a directory of mental health resources or King County Crisis Line at 866.427.4747.
- For life threatening emergencies
- Call 911, then
- Contact Campus Security at 206.934.0911
Policies & Procedures
What is misconduct? The Seattle Colleges District defines misconduct as inappropriate behavior that affects the institution’s pursuit of its educational objectives.
- Any member of the college community may file a student conduct complaint against any student when they believe there has been a violation of the student code of conduct.
- Student Conduct incidents are reported to the Vice President of Student Services Office at 206.934.6788.
- Violations may also be reported directly to SSC Security 206.934.0911 as well as the police. SSC Security will directly report the incident to the Vice President of Student Services Office.
- When a report of a violation occurs, the VPSS Office will begin an investigation and determine the validity of the report.
- The student(s) and witness(es) may be called for an initial interview.
- The student will be notified of the violation, their rights and responsibilities and date of the Student Conduct hearing.
- After the hearing, the student will be notified of the decision and what if any disciplinary sanctions apply. Sanctions may include warnings, reprimands, probation, suspensions or expulsion.
- Certain sanctions warrant the right to an appeal. Appeals are forwarded to the Student Conduct Appeals Committee under the direction of the Assistant Attorney General for the State of Washington.
- Intentional or repeated disruption of teaching, research, administration or campus activities.
- Physical or verbal abuse, harassment of any person on campus premises.
- Academic dishonesty, including plagiarism.
- False statements or false charges against the college or an employee.
- Forgery, altercation or misuse of documents, funds, records, ID.
- Theft from or damage to campus property or property of a member of the college.
- Hazing
- Possession of illegal firearms and weapons, explosives, dangerous chemicals, etc.
- Possession, consumption, intoxication, or distribution on campus of alcohol, controlled substances or unlawful drugs, including marijuana (for any purpose or amount).
- Failure to comply with direction of campus officials or failure to identify one’s self to persons when requested.
- Participation in any activity which disrupts normal operations of the college.
- Obstruction of the free flow of pedestrians or vehicular traffic on college premises.
- Conduct which is disorderly, lewd, or indecent; breach of peace; aiding, abetting breach of peace on the campus.
- Sexual harassment.
- Other harassment, including stalking.
- Smoking in unauthorized areas.
*See Washington Administrative Code WAC 132F-121-110 for full description.
- Student Activities, Rights and Discipline:
- Student complaints are different from Student Conduct Policies and Procedures. Student complaints are for students who have a complaint or wish to report a bias incident against faculty, staff or program or administrator. The Dean of Student Life is the Complaints Officer and can be reached in JMB 122 or call 206.934.6749.