Maritime Shipyard Welding

at the Harbor Island Training Center

Apply Request Info

Program Overview

Go From Classroom to Shipyard in Just Six Months

The maritime industry needs well-trained, skilled workers today to fill the jobs of tomorrow. To meet these needs, Vigor Industrial Shipyards partnered with South Seattle College to form the Harbor Island Training Center, the Classroom-In-A-Shipyard.  Designed to meet the needs for all maritime companies in Puget Sound, your instructors are industry professionals who teach the necessary skills to become a shipyard welder with highly employable skills. The goal of the program is to strengthen Seattle's maritime industry and to produce marketable graduates who are ready to fill the needs of this flourishing field.

The Vigor/South Seattle College partnership is deeply valued at Vigor, and is an important pipeline to bring us the future workforce we need. This intensive six-month welding certification program prepares students with the complete certifications needed to be employable by Vigor or other employers in the maritime trades.

Ed Richardson, Operations Manager, Vigor Harbor Island

download a program fact sheet

Degrees & Certificates

Certificate programs provide students with a set of skills to find a job or stay current in a profession. Many certificates are designed to lead to a degree.

Learn more

  • Credits to complete: 37.0

Get Started

  1. Apply: Complete a free online application HERE to apply! Registration will process your application and email you a ctcLink ID! For questions about your ctcLink ID and admission application, reach out to Registration.
  2. Math and English Placement: Math and English placement are required! Use South’s free Math and English Directed Self Placement tools to establish placement.
    • Students must be eligible for Math 110 and English 107 (or Math 81 and ENGL 98) to enroll for Maritime Welding.
    • No English course is required to complete the Maritime Welding program; only Math 110 is required.
  3. Funding: If needed, begin with the Workforce Education funding process. Start by filling out this Tuition Assistance Request Form.
  4. Register for Classes: After receiving your ctcLink ID, use the ctcLink system to register for the following classes: MATH 110, WFT 100, WFT 120, and WFT 125. All maritime welding classes are with Kenneth Johnson. Here are directions to enroll in your classes.

Please note that the permission number page shows up for all students, for all classes. However, as long as you have English and math placement on record, you will not need a permission number. Just leave the box blank, click “save”, and move to the next page. There is a full explanation about this on step 13. If you do not have English and math placement on record, please see this page for more information.

If you have tried these steps and need assistance, please reach out to the appropriate contact below.

Program Contact
Professional & Technical Department | (206) 934-5394

Future Students – Welcome Center | (206) 934-7943

Current Students – Advising | (206) 934-5387

Additional Program Information

You’ll learn to:

  • Diagnose and cure common welding defects
  • Demonstrate safe operation of oxyacetylene equipment
  • Complete FCAW welds in the vertical position for marine operations
  • Demonstrate knowledge of joint fit-up, back gouging, shear points, weld stress and warpage, and environmental effects on weld procedures
  • Safely accomplish welds out of doors in all weather conditions, and more!

You'll be prepared for shipyard-specific welding and fitting positions with starting wages of $20-25/hour plus full benefits, according to industry and direct graduate wage placement information — with skills to begin a career path to higher-level training and higher-paying jobs.

Program Details

  • Program Length: 6 Months (Two Quarters)
  • Course Times: Monday – Friday, 8 a.m. – 2 p.m
  • New cohorts starting Fall & Spring Quarters

Program Requirements

  • 18 years or older
  • High school diploma or GED
  • Mechanical abilities and interests

Resources Available to Students

WorkSource: Provides services to aid in your employment search, including job postings, employment assistance, workshops, career counseling, program opportunities and resources and hiring events

Workforce Education: Assists students entering or reentering the workforce through career training, financial aid assistance, job placement assistance and academic planning.

Advising: Advisors at South assist students with placement, educational planning, course selection, degree completion and to provide referrals to other departments on campus who can help you reach your goals.

Tutoring: Academic support, drop-in tutoring centers, small group tutoring and online tutoring are available to ensure that students get the help they need and are able to complete their educational goals.

Class Times

This six-month program starts twice a year in April and in September, 8 a.m. to 2 p.m., Monday through Friday.


Harbor Island Training Center at Vigor Industrial: 1731 13th Ave SW, Seattle, WA 98134

For More Information

For more information please call 206.934.5394 or email

Welding Fabrication Technology Program (main campus)

Interested in earning an associate degree in welding with a broader-based curriculum?  Please visit South Seattle College's main campus Welding Fabrication Technology program page to learn more!

Program lengths are estimates, not guarantees. For the most current program information, please check with the program contact.