College Transfer

Welcome to College Transfer Programs at South (also referred to as “Academic Transfer”). With numerous associate transfer degrees to choose from, take your freshman and sophomore classes at South for a fraction of the cost, and then transfer to a four-year university or college with the skills, confidence and knowledge to complete your bachelor’s degree!

Program Pathways

We offer a wide variety of programs pathways to enhance your AA, AB, or AS degree. Please visit any of the College Transfer Program Pathways for additional information on the types of courses they offer and careers they can prepare you for.

Why Take The Transfer Route?

  • Your education comes first. Our dedicated instructors are focused on preparing you for success with your bachelor’s degree and future career. We also have advisors, graduation completion coaches and transfer workshops to ensure you are prepared for that next step.
  • Succeed at the next level. Students who transfer from two-year colleges like South do just as well as those who started as freshman at four-year institutions.
  • Save money. By taking the first two years of your bachelor’s degree at South, you will save thousands on the cost of your degree without sacrificing the quality of your education.
  • Transfer to the right place for you. We have Direct Transfer Agreements with nearly all four-year colleges and universities in Washington, with most of our transfer students attending the University of Washington. Other popular destinations include: Washington State University, Western Washington University, The Evergreen State College and Central Washington University. Several students also transfer to out-of-state institutions. By earning an associate degree in our College Transfer program, you tap into the benefits of Direct Transfer Agreements with four-year institutions. Those benefits may include:  
    • fulfilling most of your target university’s lower division general education coursework. 
    • being granted junior standing (depending on major entry requirements). 
    • priority application review status. 
    • qualification for special scholarships or application fee waivers. 
    • transfer of up to 15 credits of “normally non-transferable” coursework such as vocational or professional/technical classes. 
    • Please note, completion of an associate degree does not guarantee admission to a four-year college or university. Each institution has specific admission requirements (G.P.A., residency, core requirements, etc.). 
  • Visit our Transfer Resources to learn more about the transfer process! 

Where can I go if I have questions about College Transfer? 

Prospective Students: Please visit the Welcome Center website for help with the Steps to Enroll or to meet with the Welcome Center team.  

Current Students: Please see your primary advisor to create an educational plan. If you need assistance getting connected to the appropriate advisor, visit the Advising Center website

College Transfer Division  

Division staff will answer your questions or make the right connections for you to learn more about our transfer degrees and pathways.  

University Center (UNI 101)    



The College Transfer Division Office is open M W & Th, 8am-5:00pm, Tu 8am-6pm, and F 8:30am-12:30pm.

RST Academy logo

Ready, Set, Transfer! Academy

South Seattle College's Ready, Set, Transfer! Academy is a National Science Foundation (NSF) program that provides tools and support to start and keep you on a pathway to a STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) career.

SSC MakerSpace logo

SSC MakerSpace 

South Seattle College's MakerSpace is a collaborative work space for making, learning, exploring and sharing using a variety of high, low, or no-tech tools such as 3D printers, laser cutters, CNC machines, sewing machines, wood, art supplies and more. MakerSpace is open to all students and is intended to cultivate a “maker mindset”, allowing students to explore their interests and practice creating something from nothing.