Course Repeat Request

Repeating a Course (form Seattle Colleges 2021-23 academic catalog, pg. 223)

There are two situations in which a student may repeat a course for grade replacement. To qualify for GPA improvement, both the initial course and repeated course must be taken at the same college.

  1. GPA improvement. A credit course may be taken no more than three times total. Upon successful completion of a repeated course, the college will adjust the record to reflect the highest of the decimal grades used in the GPA computation. The student will be credited only once for the class. No more than two attempted grades may be selected for exclusion in the GPA computation.
    • Note: Students planning to transfer to another institution should check with that institution to determine potential GPA impacts.
  2. Multiquarter continuous training courses use the same course number from quarter to quarter. In this situation, credits earned are cumulative and all grades are used to determine the GPA.

Dean approval is required if you are seeking to take a course more than three times at South Seattle College. To request approval to re-take a course four or more times, please email the Dean overseeing the division for the course you wish to enroll in.

  • Alison Pugh – Dean of Math, Science, Business and Bachelor of Applied Science programs
  • Brian Scheehser – Dean of Culinary, Landscape Horticulture, and Wine Studies
  • Eileen Jimenez – Dean of Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences and Justice Involved Solutions
  • Ferdinand Orbino  – Dean of Automotive, Aviation, Heavy Diesel, and Welding
  • Laura Kingston – Executive Dean of Georgetown/Workforce Training and Apprenticeships
  • Rozella Cruz-Yu Jung –  Dean of Basic & Transitional studies (ABE, ESL, HS21) 

Note: the approval process can take up to one week (five business days). Please plan requests accordingly and aling with registration dates and deadlines in the Academic Calendar.


Q: Do I need approval to repeat a course a second or third time?

A: No, our policy allows a student to repeat a class up to three times. If you have taken or even attempted a course three times at South Seattle College, you will not be able to register on your own and will need Dean's approval to register for a fourth or more times.

Q: What happens when a student’s request is approved?

A: The Dean of the program will sign the form indicating approval to retake the class and forward it to Registration. Registration will enroll the student in the class manually and confirm enrollment with the student.

Q: What if the request is denied?

A: The Dean will provide an explanation as to why the repeat request was denied. The student will then be referred to their advisor to discuss other course or enrollment options.

Q: How long does it take to get a response?

A: The approval process can take up to one week (five business days). Please plan requests accordingly and align them with registration dates and deadlines in the Academic Calendar.

Q: What is the difference between “attempting” a course and “repeating” a course in ctcLInk?

A: Ctclink only identifies courses for repeat and applies repeat codes if the student earned credit for the class, failed the class, or most non-numerical grades such as NC, S, U (I and Y grades are excluded from the repeat processes). However, if the student withdrew from a course and has a “W”, it is counted as an attempt.

Q: What if I have questions about this process or have questions about how the repeated courses appear on my transcript?

A: If you have any questions about the process, please reach out to Registration and Records anytime at, or during our regular business hours at 206.934.7938 or by visiting the Registration Office in the Student Services Lobby of the Robert Smith Building (RSB 40).