English Directed Self Placement (DSP)

English Directed Self-Placement is an alternative to standardized placement processes for English placement. Our DSP tool is designed to help entering students determine which first-year writing course is right for them. Our goal is to help you choose the course that will make you a successful writer in your first year and throughout your college years.

Take the English Directed Self Placement

The DSP survey will guide you through a self-assessment of your current reading and writing practices, offer you suggestions based on your results, and provide you with a thoughtful overview of the course options. By considering your own history and development as a reader, writer, and learner in relation to the first-year writing course options at South, you will be able to make an informed choice about your first-year writing experience.

Our English DSP is untimed and ungraded. It normally takes 30-45 minutes to complete. It should be taken on a computer, tablet, or cell phone with a large screen.

Note: Some groups of students are not eligible to use this tool. They are: International Program students and Basic and Transitional Studies students who have a placement lower than Level 4. To learn more about your English placement options, please email studentplacement@seattlecolleges.edu.