Computer & Electrical Engineering

Associate of Science – Transfer, Track 2: Computer and Electrical Engineering MRP (EECCEAS)

This pathway is designed to meet Associate of Science Track 2 – Computer and Electrical Engineering MRP requirements. This pre-major pathway is designed to prepare you to transfer at the junior-level into an engineering program at a four-year college or university. Computer and electrical engineers make the ...

This pathway is designed to meet Associate of Science Track 2 – Computer and Electrical Engineering MRP requirements. 

This pre-major pathway is designed to prepare you to transfer at the junior-level into an engineering program at a four-year college or university. Computer and electrical engineers make the world a better place by starting with a nebulous idea and working with other designers to plan, develop, and prototype to turn it into something real. They use math and science to break down and solve complex and compelling problems and create new electronic and digital products and services. Electrical and computer engineering professionals work at the heart of the most rapidly developing technology humankind has ever seen. They employ nanoelectronics, computers and robotics to create biomedical instruments that save lives. 

Electrical and computer engineers create new robotic and AI systems that can search disaster sites or remotely explore other planets. They make devices and systems that harvest the energy of the sun, wind and sea and channel it into the energy grid that supports modern civilization. Electronics and software design looks at  the spectrum between hardware and software. 

Electrical engineers typically work on the hardware side of the spectrum while computer engineers work at the interface between electronics hardware and software. Completion of this degree opens doors to global career opportunities in software or hardware design, aerospace, robotics and other industries that rely on advanced computers and electronic systems. If you like to design and develop solutions to some of the world’s most complex problems, this pathway could be the right choice for you!

Estimated Length of Completion

Degree Quarters Units
Associate of Science – Transfer, Track 2: Computer and Electrical Engineering MRP (EECCEAS) Full time : 9 128

You may need more or fewer units depending on your transferred credits, individual situation, and goals.

Step 1: Apply and register at South Seattle College anytime (the application is always free). Once you become a student, register for classes using the online class schedule and go to the academic calendar for registration dates and tuition deadlines.

Step 2: See an advisor to create a personalized educational plan by the end of your second quarter. Your plan will include prerequisites, graduation requirements, and transfer preparation if you plan to transfer to another college or university to earn a bachelor's degree.

Sample Schedule and Quarterly To-Do List

128 Units

A sample schedule and quarterly to-do list are below. The schedule and to-do list will help you explore courses and complete tasks on time. The guide assumes a fall quarter start, but you can begin in any quarter and start at any placement level.

Note about the sample schedule: Classes are offered in various formats such as online (e-learning) and may not be offered each quarter. Click the button with arrows throughout the map to expand the section and view detailed information.

Click to see details

Quarter 1
Quarter 2
Quarter 3
Quarter 4
Quarter 5
Quarter 6
Quarter 7
Quarter 8
Quarter 9

More Information

Tuition and Funding

It's time to apply for Financial Aid for next year by completing
either the FAFSA or the WASFA 2025-26.

Need help paying for college?

To apply for financial aid, including grants and scholarships you don’t have to pay back, visit South's Financial Aid Department for details. Part-time and full-time students can qualify for financial aid funds.

Learn more about the estimated cost of attendance and general fees to attend college.

Career Opportunities

  • Acoustic Consultant
  • Broadcast Engineer
  • CAD Technician
  • Design Engineer
  • Electrical Engineer
  • IT Consultant
  • Network Engineer
  • Nuclear Engineer
  • Systems Analyst
  • Computer Hardware Engineer
  • Software Engineer

A bachelor’s degree or higher degree may be required for some careers listed above. For current employment and wage estimates, please visit the following online resources and search for the relevant occupational term:

Future Education Opportunities

Once you complete this Associate degree, additional education opportunities include:

  • A bachelor’s degree in computer and/or electrical engineering or a related field at a four-year college or university.
  • A Bachelor of Applied Science (BAS) degree at one of the Seattle Colleges.

South Seattle College has direct transfer agreements with four-year institutions throughout Washington state, including University of Washington, Washington State University and Seattle University. Graduates from South have also transferred to out-of-state institutions.

Program and admissions requirements vary from college to college. Contact an advisor to create an educational plan tailored to transfer to the institution of your choice.

Additional Information

Learn more about the Transfer process, Transfer agreements, and Bachelor’s degrees including transferring to top universities around the state and nation, such as Historically Black Universities and Colleges.

Area of Study

Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math

Program Contact

New or Prospective Students: Please connect with the Welcome Center to discuss South’s program options and for help navigating the Steps to Enroll

Phone: 206-934-7943  

Current Students: Please connect with Advising to create an educational plan and discuss specific class offerings for your program. 

Phone: 206-934-5387 

Advising Contact

If you are already registered for classes or a returning student, please see your primary advisor to create an educational plan. If you need assistance getting connected to the appropriate advisor, visit the Advising Center website.
Phone: 206-934-5387