Apply to Colleges & Universities

Once you have decided which colleges and/or universities to apply to, gather everything you will need to apply. Go to each individual school’s website and check transfer admission requirements. These usually include:

  • Completed application, either an online application or a printed one
  • Official transcripts from all schools you have attended
  • Personal Statement and/or Letters of Recommendation, writing sample, creative portfolio
  • Payment of application fee
  • Major or Departmental Requirements (while still at South Seattle College, meet with your Advisor to make sure you have all the classes you need to transfer!)

Remember: Your application is not complete until you have paid the application fee! If you cannot afford the application fee, be sure to ask the university if they offer a fee waiver.

If you are applying to multiple colleges and/or universities, keep a separate folder for each school you apply to.

Check the financial aid page on each institutions website for scholarships opportunities and pay close attention to scholarship deadlines.

Submitting Applications

You may need to apply to both the college/university AND your major (especially in competitive majors). Check all deadlines before starting as these applications may be due at different times.

Most schools want you to submit online applications. If you can, print out a paper copy for practice. Keep a copy of all of your unofficial transcripts nearby while you are working on the application.

Before hitting the “send” button, proofread everything, and then proofread it again!


Every application will need an official transcripts from EVERY college/university you have ever attended. Find information on how to obtain transcripts from South Seattle College.

Worried about sending a transcript that shows lower grades? Write about that in your personal statement!