Getting Accepted
Congratulations! Your hard work paid off and you've been accepted to a four-year school, but the transfer process isn't over yet!
Send Final Official Transcripts
After completing your last classes at South, you will need to order and send another official transcript to each university you may attend.
Sign up for Orientation
TIP: You usually register for classes at your orientation so pick the earliest orientation date available. Orientation is also a great way to make friends at your new school!
Determine Housing or Transportation Plans
Send in housing deposit or find off-campus housing. If you're not going to be living on or near campus, many campuses have services specifically for commuter students. Find out what's available on your new campus.
Get to Know the Campus
Get a campus map and spend a day walking around. Find the bookstore and library. Check out your classrooms and the student center. What kinds of activities and student organizations are available? Is there tutoring if you need it? Find these resources ahead of time so you can use them if you need them! Keep track of important information like when to enroll and pay, drop and refund schedules, and financial aid information.
Expect Harder Classes
Four-year institutions may be either on a quarter or a semester system. Give yourself time to adjust to your college schedule. Learn to budget your time, creating time to read and do homework as well as work and have fun. Many community college students are used to fitting part-time classes around a full-time job. Most 4-year institutions will expect you to do just the opposite! Try to keep your work hours manageable and make plenty of time for your studies.
Education and Career Planning
Campuses often have career centers that can help you research career or graduate school options. They also help you look for internships or job placement.
Get to Know Your Professors
While taking classes, get to know your professors by visiting them during office hours. Ask about internships or research prospects in your field. Professors often are the key to unadvertised opportunities that can give you vital career experience, particularly if you plan to attend graduate school.
Get Involved!
Four-year campuses offer lots of clubs and organizations where you can quickly get to know your fellow students, find study groups and make new friends!