Graduation & Transfer Timeline by Credits
This timeline gives you the steps you need to accomplish in order to successfully transfer from a two-year college to a four-year college or university.
If you are planning to transfer from a two-year college to a four-year college or university, it is best to start your preparation for this transition early. If you are not sure what you want to do, schedule an appointment to speak with a counselor for career counseling and testing. This is a great way to help you think about your future beyond graduation from South Seattle College.
0-18 Quarter Credits
- BRAINSTORM: Start thinking about what career or degree you are interested in pursuing. Go to the WorkSource Career Center in the Robert Smith Building, Room 79, and look for career information using WOIS or other online tools. They can help get you started!
- ENGAGE: Attend the quarterly college fair on the South Seattle College campus. These fairs give you a chance to browse a number of different institutions, ask questions, and get more information about what is offered at each college or university.
- TAKE ACTION: Start exploring colleges and universities by visiting their websites and meeting with representatives when they are on campus. You can also go on tours and information sessions at each university.
19-44 Quarter Credits
- CHECK IN: To check the progress of your degree online, please log in to your ctcLink account and click on the Academic Progress tile on your Student Homepage. Please review the guide, View your Academic Progress for step-by-step instructions. Make an appointment to speak to an advisor or counselor. They will help you make an educational plan and help you research schools that match your goals! An educational plan will help guide you from start to finish, ensuring you get all the classes you need to transfer.
- ENGAGE: Attend transfer workshops and campus visits by different colleges as well as the quarterly college fair. This information will help you plan your transfer and make sure it goes as smoothly as possible.
- TAKE ACTION: When you talk to college representatives, make sure you request a catalog, admissions guidelines, financial aid information, and know the important deadlines. Or use transfer guides from the four-year universities to look up prerequisite courses for your major and admissions requirements.
- TAKE ACTION: Make a Transfer Plan. What schools are you interested in? What are their deadlines and requirements? You may really want to go to your first choice school but still have a back-up plan. If you are worried about the cost of application fees, ask the school if they can waive them. Many schools do so do not let cost be your reason for not applying to more than one school!
- TAKE ACTION: Remember that all financial aid packages will first require you to complete a FAFSA, located at this website: This form becomes available online January 1st of each year. It is very important to do the FAFSA as early as possible. Research other financial aid options that might be available, especially scholarships, and apply for them.
45-74 Quarter Credits
- CHECK IN: To check the progress of your degree online, please log in to your ctcLink account and click on the Academic Progress tile on your Student Homepage. Please review the guide, View your Academic Progress for step-by-step instructions.
- CHECK IN: Schedule an appointment to see your advisor or counselor mid-quarter to make sure you are keeping up with your educational plan. Focus on when you want to graduate and when you plan to start classes at your transfer school. Make sure that you are on track with your educational plan and your transfer plan.
- ENGAGE: If you have decided on a school to transfer to, get a copy of their admissions form and begin to write a rough draft. Start a draft of your personal statement. Visit the websites of the colleges you want to apply to and check out their essay questions; remember different schools will have different application and essay questions. One generic “Personal Statement” won’t cut it. Once you think you have each essay in its final version, make an appointment to see an advisor or counselor and let them take a look. You can never proofread too much!
- TAKE ACTION: Request official transcripts from your high school and ALL colleges you have attended (even if it is just one class or one quarter). Talk to instructors about writing letters of recommendation. These need to be instructors that know you well and can talk about your performance in their classes!
- TAKE ACTION: Finish your personal statement. Triple check it for errors by taking it to the Writing Center, an instructor, or an advisor or counselor.
- TAKE ACTION: Applications are due! Check with each college to find out their specific due date. They WILL NOT accept late applications. Applications must be complete, accurate, and on time to be considered!
75-89 Quarter Credits
- CHECK IN: To check the progress of your degree online, please log in to your ctcLink account and click on the Academic Progress tile on your Student Homepage. Please review the guide, View your Academic Progress for step-by-step instructions.
- CHECK IN: Schedule an appointment to see your advisor or counselor mid-quarter to make sure you are keeping up with your educational plan. Focus on when you want to graduate and when you plan to start classes at your transfer school. Fill out a graduation application with your advisor or counselor. This must be done in order to graduate.
- TAKE ACTION: Applications are due! Check with each college to find out their specific due date. They WILL NOT accept late applications. Applications must be complete, accurate, and on time to be considered!
- CHOOSE: Colleges and universities begin to mail out their decisions for admission. If you have several options to choose from, be sure to take into consideration the college that is the best fit for you academically, financially, and socially.
- TAKE ACTION: Send official transcripts (again) at the end of your last quarter. Make sure that you have no financial holds on your transcripts.
- ENGAGE: Attend an orientation at your new school! Be sure to meet with an advisor there to plan out your course of study. Hint: you will register at your orientation, so pick the earliest orientation date you can attend.