Associate of Science (AS) Track 1

There are two options for AS Degree students. Track 1 is designed for students interested in biology, environmental/resources sciences, chemistry, geology, or earth sciences.

Program Description

The Science Pre-Major Associate of Science (AS) degree program prepares students for transfer to science programs at four-year colleges and universities and will give students basic skills needed by scientists studying fields such as Biology, Chemistry, Environmental Science, Geology, and Earth Science. Students study basic mathematical and scientific principles with an emphasis on problem solving and critical thinking. Additionally, the program provides students with extensive laboratory experience. The curriculum also develops other job related skills such as communications, human relations and technical report writing. Credits earned with the AS degree at South Seattle College can be applied toward the first two years of a four-year bachelor’s degree in sciences such as Biology, Chemistry, Environmental Science, Geology, and Earth Science.

Track 1 is popular with pre-med, pre-pharm, and pre-dental students.

Program Pathways 

We offer a variety of programs pathways to match your interests and enhance your Associate of Science (Track 1) degree: 

Program Outcomes

Students who successfully complete this program will show:

  • An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics and scientific principles to scientific problems.
  • An ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data.
  • An ability to think critically in evaluating information, solving problems and making decisions.
  • An ability to function on diverse, multi-disciplinary teams.
  • An ability to access and evaluate information from a variety of sources including the Internet.
  • An understanding of professional and ethical responsibility.
  • An ability to communicate effectively with written, oral, and visual means.
  • The broad education necessary to understand the impact of scientific solutions in a global and societal context.
  • A recognition of the need for and an ability to engage in life-long learning.
  • An ability to use modern scientific techniques, skills, and technology including computing and laboratory tools necessary for scientific practice.

Degree Sheets

AS Track 1 Degree Planning Sheet (PDF)

Transfer Information Sessions 

Sign-up for a Transfer Information Session to learn how you can take your freshman and sophomore classes at South for a fraction of the cost, and then transfer to a four-year university or college with the skills, confidence and knowledge to complete your bachelor’s degree.