Web Change Requests
Steps for changes/updates that need to be made to our website
- All webpage updates and new requests should now be submitted through the IT Help Desk. Simply click “Web” to create a ticket. This system allows the Seattle Colleges Web Team to keep an accurate record of all web requests to easily track all updates and workflow. You’ll receive a confirmation email once your request is logged. If you have questions before submitting a ticket or would like to brainstorm changes to your section of the website, please contact the Communications & Public Information Office.
- In your request, specify the area that needs attention. Please be very specific by identifying the exact location of the content on the page.
- If new content is needed, please provide it with instructions on how and where you would like it to be displayed if you have a preference.
Helpful hints for web updates
If you are going to provide content that includes a particular link, it is better to hyperlink the site to words in your content then to display a long address. For example:
- Avoid: For the Student Directory please go to www.long-url-name.com/directory/schedule.html
- Best practice: View the "Student Directory"
WORD vs .PDF’s
If you have a word document that needs to be posted as a PDF, please save the document as a PDF before it is included in your request.
New Pages
If you need to have a new page created, please include the location of where the new page will live. For example: “I would like a page named Staff Counseling in Student Resources / Counseling.”
Event Calendar Updates
Any items that need to be added to the online events calendar can be done through 25Live.