Communications & Public Information Office

The Communications & Public Information Office informs the community about South Seattle College, responds to general information needs from the public, and supports the college with internal and external communications. Areas of responsibility cover marketing/advertising, college website (content, guidelines and standards), publications (including program and service brochures), media relations, college branding, internal communications and community relations. For departments creating their own material please use logos approved by the PIO for HTML emails, letterhead, flyers, and web materials.

What we do:


  • Support enrollment goals
  • Maintain public awareness about the college
  • Create unique identity for South
  • Ensure consistency of “brand” to the community
  • Creative copy and graphic design for marketing campaigns
  • Manage vendors (including digital marketing, radio, television, web, magazine, newspaper, billboard, bus posters, direct mail)
  • Advertising media includes digital ads, billboards, bus ads, radio, print, special publications (veterans, program-specific, etc.) and high school sports calendars.
  • Build and maintain CRM messaging 
  • Build and maintain web-based marketing assets 

Publications (many of which also go on the web)

  • Quarterly publications
  • Annual Class Schedule planning tool
  • Brochures for programs and courses
  • Posters
  • Flyers
  • Postcards
  • Invitations to college-wide events
  • Viewbooks
  • Presentation folders

External Communications

  • Research, write and distribute news releases
  • “Pitch” article ideas to news sources
  • Respond to news inquiries
  • Write “specials”
  • Coordination of messages for 16th Ave reader boards
  • News releases and clips published to the web, found in the News Center

Internal Communications

  • Employee newsletter
  • Employee communication support
  • Campus closure notices
  • Emergency notification (with Security)
  • Create screensavers for cafeteria, OLY, and student computers
  • Student-facing communications
  • Posting policies

Graphic Design & Photography

  • Publications above
  • Ads
  • Support other department needs as time allows
  • Photography

Community Relations

  • Connections with local organizations (like West Seattle Chamber of Commerce, Southwest Neighborhoods District Council, Delridge Neighborhoods District Council)
  • Community/public opinion research
  • Respond to community inquiries/requests
  • Posting approval

Social Media

Web Management (Managed by SSC Communications Staff in collaboration with Seattle Colleges District Web Team)

  • Logos, Style Sheets and Graphics
  • Web page planning and support
  • Create/modify colleges web pages, documents, & photos
  • Web design/development of features, web applications, & forms
  • Produce South branded emails
  • Website visitor reporting
  • Maintain college web site databases
  • Web hosting/web server management
  • Posting of calendar items & user input support
  • Responses/forwards from online public contact form
  • Web procedures online at SouthNet (under Web Site Production and Web Site Standards)