Study Skills
Study Skills Tutoring will not be available for Fall Quarter 2024. Check back for more information and updates.
Free training in skills students can use in order to learn well and get good grades. Interested students can schedule an appointment through Starfish, or click on the “see a tutor” link for assistance. Sessions are one-to-one and last about 30 minutes.
Skills Tutored:
- Get organized and manage time well
- Take good notes
- Understand what you read
- Improve critical thinking for academic skill building
- Use textbooks effectively
- Study for memory and recall
- Do your best on tests
If you would like help scheduling an appointment:
Zoom with a Tutor
For Appointments:
First, sign into your Starfish account and follow the instructions in this video.
Click here to learn how to sign into Starfish.
Keep in mind that we will be capping the limit to two appointments per day for each student; in other words, students will not be able to schedule more than two 30-minute appointments back-to-back with tutors on any given day.