Zoom is a synchronous tool that allows you to upload slide content and interact with students in real-time. This option can serve as a backup when the campus is closed. Sessions can be recorded for students who do not have access to the Internet at home. Students can playback the session and answer one or two predetermined questions to prove they have watched the recording.
At Seattle Colleges, Zoom is used for virtual/online instruction, tutoring, advising, career counseling, office hours, and mentoring.
Student Success Tips
- Review your class syllabus for its virtual class guidelines
- Set up your workspace with no distractions
- Log in 15 minutes before your Zoom meeting to:
- assure your internet connection is good
- login to your Zoom classroom URL (web address) using the name you want to share as it'll be listed in your Zoom session's Participants & Chat windows.
If you prefer to keep your real name private, discuss this with your teacher prior to Zooming.
- assure your Zoom class password works
- be ready in your Zoom class waiting room
- test your audio (microphone & speakers)
- test your video and provide a profile picture to display when your video is off.
If you prefer to keep your real image private, discuss this with your teacher prior to Zooming.
- add a virtual background to help with privacy, if desired
- use keyboard shortcuts on a PC or Mac
- mute your mic when you're not talking
- use reaction icons to engage with class
- use the raise hand tool to ask questions
- use chat to communicate (
NEVER share private videos, images, audio, or information)
- know how to share your screen, if asked
Zoom Basic
- Get started with Zoom
- Join a Test Meeting
- Join a Scheduled Meeting
- Get a Zoom account (not needed to participate in your teacher's online meetings but nice to have for your own meetings)
- Update my Zoom Profile
- Privacy and Security
- Accessibility
- Troubleshooting