About eLearning

Courses & Materials

Online courses bring the classroom to you using the Internet and your email. They are taught using primarily Canvas our core Learning Management Systems (LMS). However, your teacher makes the decision on how to distribute their course so please always contact your teacher to confirm where your class is being managed.

Course materials vary and may include textbooks, study guides, DVDs, videos, as well as information downloaded from the Internet. Check with your teacher's syllabus and our campus bookstore for a list of required materials.

Required Basic Skills & Technology

Online learning requires students have the necessary skills to learn online and complete their online assignments. Before you take any online class, you should be confident about your computer and study skills. Your eLearning staff cannot teach you how to use your computer or navigate the Internet. However, we can direct you to great resources. Including the LinkedIn Learning Professional Development Training Library license, you get as an enrolled South Seattle College student. Please thoroughly review this set of skills and technology required.

Best Practices for Online Success

Online courses are not self-paced. Like on-campus courses there are homework, mid-terms and final exam dates and expectations. Fully online students must adhere to their class timeline and turn homework in on time. Carving out time several days a week to stay on top of assigned reading and homework is not easy and requires great deal of self-discipline.

  • Thoroughly read your syllabus and don't hesitate to ask your instructor for information

  • Online students need to plan 12-15 hours of study, per week - per course, and login 5 out of 7 days, starting the first day of the quarter

  • It's best NOT to take online courses using a mobile phone as they don't provide the same experience as a laptop or desktop computer. Quizzes on a mobile phone in Canvas will not provide the same experience. Please only use a desktop or laptop computer to take online courses for the best experience.

  • Have a backup plan for computer use in case you experience technical difficulties with your computer. Keep backup copies of all your work, assignments, quiz answers and grades! 

Backup Plan Ideas & Working Offline

If for any reason, you are unable to access Canvas, you are expected to complete and submit assignments. Here are a few scenarios to be prepared for and suggestions for doing so:

  • Loss of Internet Service

    • If your home Internet service goes down, consider accessing the Internet from the school’s library, the public library, a friend’s house, or a nearby cyber café. Of course, a laptop with wireless Internet connection capabilities is required if connecting from the nearby coffeehouse unless they also provide the computer.

  • Canvas or Other Applications Go Do

    • If Canvas, or other required applications, go down system-wide, expect to hear from your instructor via email. 

    • You can check to see if Canvas is experiencing system-wide problems in two different places. You may want to bookmark these, since this page won't be available if Canvas goes down. 

    • Your instructor will provide information about the outage and academic expectations. For example, you may be asked to complete and submit existing work via email rather than Canvas. Your instructor may also decide to conduct a content-focused synchronous session for you to attend.

Again, lack of access does not automatically erase your instructor's expectations for completing and submitting assignments.


Be patient and ALWAYS let your instructor know how you're doing. Like yourself, instructors are not available 24/7. It's important to schedule time with your instructor, if needed.

While all students are expected to have basic computer skills, remember that it never hurts to ask for help when you need it. Students can visit our STARS in the library or online via Chat for one-on-one technology advice.