Instructional Assessment
Course Outlines
Master Course Outlines (MCOs) are updated on a five year cycle that started in Summer 2014. Master Course Outlines are available to all faculty and staff and can be found using the Inside Seattle Colleges link and accessing the Automated Course Approval System (ACAS). Our goal is to ensure course outlines are current in terms of topical content, measurable outcomes, and course specifics. The Curriculum and Instruction Committee (CIC) works closely with the Assessment Committee to establish assessable Course Learning Outcomes that are updated along the MCO on the 5 year cycle.
Course Learning Outcomes
At South Seattle College, our Course Learning Outcomes are the student learning outcomes at the course level. Every quarter faculty are asked to assess a specific CLO in their course and determine to what level of achievement every single student reached on that CLO. Faculty are also asked during the survey process to reflect on what they learned about student learning that quarter and ways that they can improve student learning in future quarters. This information is then collected by the Assessment Committee and utilized for the process of Program Review.
Program Review for Professional/Technical Programs
In Summer 2015 we worked with the Curriculum Instruction Committee (CIC), Institutional Research, and the Dean of Workforce Education to streamline the Program Review process for Professional/Technical Programs. This process consists of an External Program Review (EPR) and an Internal Program Assessment. Currently the EPR is conducted by an external consultant, in conjunction with our Institutional Research, Program Dean(s), and the program Technical Advisory Committee (TAC). The IPA process is a collaboration between the faculty in the Program, the Program Dean(s), our Assessment Office, and the Vice President of Instruction.
Student Learning Outcomes
At South Seattle College, our South's Learning Outcomes (SLOs) are the college-wide institutional learning outcomes. The SLOs are also assessed when faculty fill out their end of quarter Learning Outcome Survey. The quantitative data from these surveys is then added to a SLO data dashboard that can be accessed by faculty, deans and administrators directly on the Assessment website (under “Assessing South’s Learning Outcomes”). The qualitative information that instructors provide is assembled by the Assessment Committee and used to write yearly reports as well as assist during the program review process.