Ways to Get Involved

As South Seattle College implements a Guided Pathways model for improving equitable student success and on-time program completion, the Guided Pathways Operations Team hosts multiple meetings each quarter, as well as other opportunities to get involved throughout the year. Please contact us at SouthGuidedPathways@seattlecolleges.edu to join us!

Attend a Guiding Team Meeting

If you would like to learn more about Guided Pathways and the ongoing work, please contact our Guided Pathway Leads Team at sscpathways@seattlecolleges.edu for an updated meeting schedule. We look forward to you joining us!

Participate in a district or campus workgroup

In 2021-2022 over 100 South faculty members, staff, and students participated in Guided Pathway projects and events. We look forward to growing this number each year. Please review the Guided Pathways workgroups and contact the coach or workgroup lead to learn more about getting involved.

Attend a Guided Pathways sponsored retreat, meeting or showcase

Throughout the year, the Guided Pathways Leads Team and coaches for various workgroups will host meetings, retreats or showcases focused on a specific project or initiative. Please check back for upcoming events for the 2022-2023 year.

Give feedback

If you have any feedback on Guided Pathways work at South, please submit contact SouthGuidedPathways@seattlecolleges.edu