Fee Table

Fee Table 

Add/Drop Administrative Fee (FQ)       
This fee covers costs associated with processing and dispersing registration refunds.       
Fee is charged per refund for a complete or partial withdrawal from classes.       

Adult Basic Education (ABE)       
Intended for immigrants, not for International Students      
$25.00 per quarter

Aerospace Composite Fee       
$257.00 per quarter

Allied Health Skills Lab Fee       
$31.00 per course

ASE Retest Fee       
$10.50 per test

Assessment Test       
$31.00 per test

Automotive ASE Testing       
$31.00 per quarter

Automotive Fee       
$98.00 per course

Aviation Materials Fee       
$150.00 per course

Bachelor of Applied Science (BAS) Application Fee      
$35.00 per application

Community Technology Access      
$20.00 per quarter

Computer Lab Fee (CL)      
Fee covers costs associated with providing student use of campus computer-related technology and services.     
Fee is charged upon enrollment in a class requiring use of a computer lab or campus servers. The fee is charged per class.     
$65.97 (class)

Credit by Exam Fee (ET)      
Covers costs associated with the administration and processing of credit-by-exam petitions.     
Fee is charge per course-credit when seeking credit for equivalent prior knowledge and skills via challenge exam.     
$100 base plus $40.00/cr.

Culinary Arts Lab Fee      
Increase based on increased food and material costs     
$164.45 per quarter

Diesel & Heavy Equiment Technology Materials Fee      
$232.00 per quarter

Drafting and Design Program Fee      

Duplicate Degree/Certificate (FA)      
Covers costs of verification, production, and delivery of duplicate copies of degrees and certificates.     
It is charged for each copy requested.     

Exam Proctoring      
$40.00 per test (unlimited attempts)

English as a Second Language (ESL)      
Intended for immigrants, not for International Students     
$25.00 per quarter

Fitness Lab Class Fee      
$5.00 per course

GED Prep      
$25.00 per quarter

GED Test Fee      
$30.00 per test

Home & Family Life Fee      
Fee for classroom materials used to teach classes     

Industrial Vehicles Materials Fee     
$1,545.00 per quarter

Instructional Technology Fee      
Fee covers costs associated with administration and support of instructional technology including the college’s Learning Management System and Video Recording Software. Fee is charged per quarter per credit. Students enrolled in less than 4 credits, non-credit classes, ABL/ESL courses are exempt.    

International Student Application Fee      

International Student Health Insurance     

IT Test Cert     

Late Registration Fee (LT)     
Covers costs associated with handling late registration petitions and approvals. Petitions require documentation of extenuating circumstances that prevented registration during the standard timeframe, and are only considered for students who attended the classes for which they are petitioning prior to the 10th day of the quarter (8th for summer).    
Fee is charge per credit when petitioning for late registration accommodation.    

Landscape Horticulture Material Fee     

Lab Fee     
Courses in the following programs require this fee: Automotive Technology, Art, Pottery/Ceramics and Photography. Students utilizing computer labs in math or English courses will also be charged this fee.    
$54.00 per course

Nelnet Payment Plan      

Manufacturing Academy     

Music Lab Fee     

Music Lab Class Fee     
$440.00 per credit

NET+ Certification     

Nursing Application Fee     

Nursing Clinical Placement Fee     

Nursing Electronic Medical Record User Registration     
$77.50 per year

Nursing Materials Fee     

RN Annual Assessment Fee     

Parking Fees    

Portfolio Review (Prior Experiential Learning)    
$100.00 per course, plus $40.00 per credit

Science Lab Fee (FN)     
Covers costs associated with maintenance of equipment and supplies for science laboratories.   
Fee is charged per course.   

Student Campus Enhancement Fee    
$9.00 per credit (maximum $90 per quarter)

Student Photo ID Card (AA)    
Covers costs associated with production and management of South Seattle student identification cards.   
One-time charge.   

Transcript Fee (FT)    
Fee to cover costs associated with issuing official NSC academic transcripts.   
Fee is charged per transcript at time of request.   
*an additional $2.90 fee per order for online transcript requests.   

Transcript Fee (FT) - EXPEDITED   
Fee to cover costs associated with issuing official NSC academic transcripts.   
Fee is charged per transcript at time of request.   
*There is an additional $2.90 fee per order for online transcript requests.   
$15.00 each

Transportation Management Plan Fee (TMP)     
Covers costs related to compliance with city transportation and parking laws.   
Fee is charged per quarter for students enrolled in 10 or more credits (or equivalent).   
$0 (1-9 cr.)   
$15.00 (10+ cr.)

Transportation Program Uniform    
$62.00 per quarter

Universal Technology Fee (UT)     
Covers costs associated with student-oriented technology improvements and initiatives that have no other funding source.   
Fee is charged quarterly per credit, for UP TO 18 CREDITS. Students enrolled in less than 4 credits are exempt.   
$0 (1-3 cr.)   
$3.00/cr. (4-18 cr.)   
Max $54.00 per quarter

Virtual Lab Fee    

WA State Employee Tuition Waiver    

Welding Materials Fee    
$154.50 per course

Welding WABO Certification Fee - Student    

Welding WABO Certification Fee – Non-Student    

Welding WABO Certification Fee – Pipe and Seismic D 1.8 test    

Wine Course Materials Fee    
$98.00 - $154.50 per course

Wellness Center Fee (starting Summer Quarter 2022)    