Online Study Tips

Online students must be self-disciplined and be able to effectively balance work, school, family, and other obligations. Successful online students have found the following strategies to be helpful:

  • Login as soon as possible - if you can login before the quarter begins, do it.

  • Set an initial schedule for studying. 

  • Find a private, distraction-free space. Create a sign to put on your door or the back of your desk chair that indicates you are studying and unavailable.

  • Read and print (if desired) important documents such as the syllabus, instructor contact information, and calendar.

  • Look for patterns in discussion and assignment deadlines and readjust your studying schedule as needed.

  • Login 3-5 times per week (daily if possible).

  • Read all assignment instructions very carefully - multiple times if needed.

  • Communicate: 

    • Use the Netiquette standards (See Next Section) to actively participate and interact with your classmates and instructor. 

    • Don't be afraid to ask for help. If you are struggling, contact your instructor or peers for help. The sooner the better.

    • Notify your instructor of any scheduling conflicts, etc. and ask if work can be completed - don't assume the instructor will allow this or accept late assignments.

    • Plan to be available for the entire class. For example, don't plan your vacation during the course unless you will have Internet access and able to keep up on all coursework.

Tips for Successful Online Learning

Here's a video that provides a few tips for online learners.

"Tips and strategies to becoming a successful online learner." Facultatem Centrum: YouTube (