Personal Responsibility
- Uphold the highest standard of academic honesty and integrity.
- Respect the rights of others in the classroom, online and in all other school activities.
- Attend class regularly, completae assignments on time and effectively participate in classroom and online discussions, group work and other class-related projects and activities.
- Abide by appropriate safety rules in laboratories, shops and classrooms.
SLO Rubric - (Personal Responsibility)
Criteria | 1-Beginning | 2-Developing | 3-Competent | 4-Accomplished | N/A |
Academic Integrity | Repeated incidents of academic dishonesty, from minor to major. | Occasional minor incidents of academic dishonesty. | No incident of academic dishonesty. | Checks sources, cites work, etc., in order to avoid academic dishonesty. |
Citizenship | Consistently disregards the rights of others in college settings. | Sometimes disregards the rights of others in college settings. | Usually respects the rights of others in college settings. | Consistently respects the right of others in college settings. |
Practical Responsibility | Infrequently attends class, assignments often late, does not participate fully. | Sometimes attends class, sometimes completes assignments (on time) and participates. | Often attends class, completes assignments on time and participates. | Consistently attends class, completes assignments on time and effectively participates. |
Safety | Fails to follow appropriate safety procedures. | Sometimes follows appropriate safety procedures. | Mostly follows appropriate safety procedures. | Consistently follows appropriate safety procedures. |
Overall Rubric Score: Total points earned ____ ÷ Total score possible _______ = _______
1- Beginning= 0-.25 2- Developing= .26-.50 3- Competent= .51-.75 4- Accomplished= .76-1.0 Criteria
Personal Responsibility SLO Rubric
- Academic Integrity: presenting work that is completely one’s own and/or citing the use of the works of others.
- Practical Responsibility: fulfills the expected roles of a student through attendance, completing work, participating in groups and in class projects and activities.
- Safety: abiding by protocols and procedures to ensure the welfare of others.
- Citizenship: treats others with kindness, curiosity, and respect.
Rating Scale Explanation:
- Beginning: lacks evidence of meeting the criterion.
- Developing: somewhat demonstrates evidence of meeting the criterion.
- Competent: meets the criterion.
- Accomplished: meets and/or exceeds the criterion in a meaningful way.
Glossary of Terms:
- Incident: instance, occurrence.
- College Setting: on campus or when involved in any campus related activities.