Access and use of the Wellness Center, its facilities and its programs are considered a privilege. Wellness Center staff reserve the right to deny members access for those who refuse to comply with our policies.
For safety and security to gain access into the Wellness Center you must check in with a valid CTC link number, have fees paid and present an ID.
You must have a waiver/release of liability and user agreement forms signed and on file.
The Wellness Center does not offer accident or medical coverage for participants. If members choose to have their own personal insurance coverage it is recommended that you do so.
Individuals under the age of 18 must have a waiver signed by a parent or guardian.
All students must follow the student code of conduct WAC 132F-121-110. If a student is found in violation of the student code of conduct it can result in disciplinary sanction’s including removal and access to the Wellness Center up to and including dismissal from the college.
The Wellness Center and its staff are not responsible for any lost or stolen items.
No food or beverages other than water in a spill-proof, non-glass container is allowed in activity areas which include cardio/weight room, gymnasium, and fitness studios. No gum or tobacco products are allowed anywhere in the Wellness Center.
No posting of flyers or other literature is allowed unless approved by Wellness Center staff.
All amplified sound/music systems by members must have approval by Wellness Center staff.
Guests are not eligible to participate in classes, intramurals and other designated restricted programs.
All tours and spectators must check in at the members’ service desk and be prepared to show ID.
Photography and video recording is prohibited in all Wellness Center spaces unless special permission is given by the director or Wellness Center staff.
Only service animals are allowed in the Wellness Center. Service animals are trained to perform tasks for people with disabilities.
Verbal or physical intimidation, harassment, or abuse or the abuse or mistreatment of facility space or equipment will not be tolerated.
The Wellness Center and campus recreation are considered non-essential areas and have the right to suspend its operations for a full day or partial day closures. It operates when classes are in session and closes during break times when classes are not in session.
Day use lockers are for day use only and should have all contents removed by the end of the business day.
Day use lockers are available on a first come first serve basis.
Lockers can be rented at a rate of $10 per quarter. All rented lockers need to follow the rental locker agreement.
Lockers are rented on a quarterly basis no matter the beginning date of the rental.
Members must provide their own lock.
Lockers must be cleared out by the end of the quarter they are rented.
South Seattle College and Wellness Center staff are not responsible for any lost or stolen items.
There are to be no firearms or hazardous materials stored in lockers.
Weight/Cardio Rooms
No photo/video
Share equipment and allow others to work in
No personal belongings or backpacks left on benches, floor or equipment