
Students paying the $25 Health and Wellness Fee as part of their tuition gain access to the Wellness Center, including its facilities and programs. This fee is automatically applied to students enrolled in 5 or more credit classes at South Seattle College.

Students not charged the Health and Wellness Fee with tuition can pay the $25 fee quarterly for access. Additionally, students from Seattle Colleges' North or Central campuses can also pay the quarterly fee to use South's Wellness Center.

Access is also available to alumni, staff, and their plus-ones through quarterly, monthly, or daily passes. Emeritus staff and faculty qualify for the alumni rate to purchase quarterly access. Current and Emeritus members of the South Foundation Board and Board of Trustees enjoy full access rights to the facility.

Membership Type and Associated Costs

SSC students enrolled in 5 or more credits — $25 (included in tuition)

SSC affiliated students not paying the Health & Wellness fee as part of their tuition — $25

SSC staff and faculty monthly — $15

SSC staff and faculty quarterly — $45

Alumni (proof of certificate/degree earned required) — $30

Emeritus staff and faculty — $30

Sponsored guest daily — $5

Sponsored guest daily (10 visits) — $40

Payment Process

Students who are not paying for access as part of their tuition can pick up an invoice at the Wellness Center and pay at the cashier’s office located in the Robert Smith Building. 

Employees can use the PDF invoice document or pick up one at the Wellness Center and pay at the cashier’s office located in the Robert Smith Building. A payroll deduction option is also available for benefited South employees. 

Guests can pick up an invoice at the Wellness Center and pay at the Robert Smith Building. They must have the ctcLink number of their South-sponsored member. 

*All sales transactions are final and there are no refunds.