Landscape Horticulture


The Landscape Horticulture Certificate program offers a foundation of horticulture knowledge in plant identification, growing, arboriculture, pruning, soils, plant problem diagnostics, and landscape installation and management.

One-year certificate that demonstrates a foundation of horticultural information and a measurable commitment to specific goals and their achievement. Includes completion of: ENGL 107, BUS 116 and PSYC 240.

Graduates typically find employment in landscape installation and management of residential, commercial and public areas, or with tree care companies, nurseries, and greenhouses. There are many opportunities for self-employment in this field.

Estimated Length of Completion

Degree Quarters Credits
Certificate Full Time: 3
Part Time: 6

Program lengths are estimates, not guarantees. For the most current program information, please check with the program contact.

Students must meet with an advisor for entry into this program. A placement test is required to ensure language and computational skills are sufficient for program success.

  • Demonstrate ability to work with site requirements, installation contractors, clients, and maintenance personnel to accomplish project within prescribed time, resources, and budgets
  • Consistently know and practice safety, environment protection, workplace standards, work ethics, and leadership issues.
  • Prepare and generate required plans and documents for customers, co-workers, suppliers, and general public and effectively communicate desired outcomes and actions.
  • Describe and outline career opportunities and requirements for entry and advancement within the field.
  • Describe and demonstrate skill in use of equipment, tools, environmental controls, and computers.

For current employment and wage estimates, please visit the following online resources and search for the relevant occupational term:

All costs are estimates and are not guarantees. For the most current program information, check with an adviser by calling 206.934.5391. There are additional costs for books and supplies. Each student is responsible for the purchase of certain supplies and required tools before the instruction begins.

Full Time Cost

Quarter Credits Resident Non-Resident International
1 13 $1,464.78 $1,649.69 $3,494.78
2 12 $1,401.82 $1,585.76 $3,423.62
3 18 $1,779.58 $1,969.34 $3,850.58
4 9 $1,148.31 $1,312.11 $2,953.17

Part Time Cost

Resident Non-Resident International
$6,507.09 $7,435.29 $16,734.63

Quarter Start Dates: Landscape Horticulture classes begin in Fall, Winter and Spring.

Students may still enroll in the program during other quarters to begin their related academic classes (Not required if a student has already completed these classes. Students must provide an official transcript.).

Class Times: Check the online class schedule. Students will meet during the class timeframe listed, however in order to maintain safe distances in on-site labs students will be grouped and have specified times on campus. Please check with your instructor for more information.

Other related academic classes are required that meet outside of these class times. These classes can be completed online and/or in-person depending on availability. Check with an advisor regarding when to take related academic classes.


Course Course ID Credits Availability

Learn the principles of plant health care, integrated pest and weed management for landscape plants. Recognize common landscape weeds and invasive species. Basic information on integrated strategies for insect, disease and weed management. Covers Washington State pesticide laws, safety, and environmental concerns. Preparation for the WSDA pesticide license exam with the goal of obtaining a pesticide applicator/consultant license.

LHO 110 5.0

Using fall seasonal features of interest, knowledge of plant adaptations, structures, and growth, identify and properly use ornamental shrubs, trees, vines, and ground covers adapted to and utilized in the Pacific Northwest landscapes.

LHO 115 4.0

Explore the current science and practice of managing trees in urban landscapes. This course will help students prepare for the International Society of Arboriculture's Certified Arborist Examination.

LHO 140 4.0
Course Course ID Credits Availability

Experience plant growth and development through crop production. Manage plant health, environments and growth media from propagation to sales. An introduction to greenhouse structures and systems.

LHO 111 4.0

Using winter seasonal features of interest, knowledge of plant adaptations, structures, and growth, identify and properly use ornamental shrubs, trees, vines, and ground covers adapted to and utilized in the Pacific Northwest landscapes.

LHO 116 4.0

Learn the art and science of pruning through lecture, demonstration, and extensive field practice. Develop skill at pruning broadleaf trees and shrubs, conifers, fruit trees, vines, and roses.

LHO 155 4.0
Course Course ID Credits Availability

Using spring seasonal features of interest, knowledge of plant adaptations, structures, and growth, identify and properly use ornamental shrubs, trees, vines, and ground covers adapted to and utilized in the Pacific Northwest landscapes.

LHO 117 4.0

Covers sustainable maintenance practices, lawn management, tool and small equipment use, safety, landscape management plans, and the impact of design on maintenance requirements.

LHO 139 4.0

Students apply horticultural knowledge and skills learned throughout the LHO program directly to the local industry. Course credit can be earned through current employment or the development of opportunities found in conjunction with the WorkSource Office. Student must complete hours and submit a Training Agreement, Learning Outcomes, and a Self-Evaluation in order to pass. Prerequisite: Approval from a Faculty Mentor (Instructor) and Embedded Career Specialist.

LHO 197 1.0

Hands-on application of knowledge, and development of skills in nursery and greenhouse plant production, propagation, maintenance, marketing and retail sales. Includes Saturday Garden Center open dates. Prerequisites: LHO 111 or instructor permission.

LHO 198 3.0
Course Course ID Credits Availability

Use business math applications to work with percentages, invoices, trade and cash discounts, markups and markdowns, payroll, depreciation and other business applications. Use Excel software to create spreadsheets. 2.0 or higher required for BIT Certificates and degrees.

BUS 116 5.0

This course designed to help students from a variety of majors to master the composition skills needed for careers in business and industry. Students will learn the principles and conventions of technical writing and practice those conventions in a variety of assignments that would typically be encountered in the work place. Attention will also be paid to strengthening the surface and stylistic aspects of their writing.

ENGL 107 5.0

Course Substitute : BUS 113 - Diversity Issues in Business (3 credits)

Covers dynamics of organizations and human resources in the workplace: motivational theory, leadership, group processes, organizational theory, participatory management, conflict management and counseling. Primarily for professional-technical students.

PSYC 240 3.0