I-BEST/Career Training

Basic & Transitional Studies

I-BEST/Career Training

I-BEST uses team-teaching to help students quickly get the literacy, work, and college-readiness skills they need to move through school and into living wage jobs faster.

I-BEST students work with two teachers in the classroom: one provides job training and the other teaches basic skills in reading, math, or English language. Students get the help they need while studying for the career of their choice; they learn by doing.

I-BEST students can improve their English, math, and computer skills while they learn college-level content and earn credits toward a certificate or degree.

South Seattle College offers I-BEST classes in Aviation Maintenance Technology, Automotive Maintenance Technology and Welding Fabrication Technology. 

Our current I-BEST programs are:

Automotive Maintenance & Light Repair I-BEST Program 

If you like to fix cars, you might like our Automotive Maintenance and Light Repair I-BEST program. 

Students with a CASAS (basic skills test) score of 220 and who have completed an interview with the instructor can enroll in Fall and Spring Quarters.

In the Automotive Maintenance and Light Repair I-BEST program, students learn automotive electricity, steering and suspension, tire and wheel alignment, brake systems, engine maintenance, diagnostics, repair and intro engine performance. They can get student ASE certification and prepare for advanced training as a journeyman or master automotive technician.

For more information, please visit our Automotive Technology webpage.


Chase Magliocca, MEd - Programs Director, I-BEST & JIS 
Phone: 206.934.5834    
Email: chase.magliocca@seattlecolleges.edu

Aviation Maintenance Technology I-BEST Program

Aviation I-BEST students learn all aspects of aircraft inspection, maintenance, and repair.

Students with a CASAS Reading score of 220 and a Math score of 226 and who complete an interview with the instructor can enroll in our Aviation Maintenance Technology I-BEST program. This program can prepare you for well-paid jobs repairing aircraft. 

For more information, please visit our Aviation Maintenance Technology webpage


Chase Magliocca, MEd - Programs Director, I-BEST & JIS 
Phone: 206.934.5834    
Email: chase.magliocca@seattlecolleges.edu

Welding Fabrication Technology I-BEST Program 

Training includes all facets of welding and fabrication operations including planning operation sequences, applying knowledge of geometry, heat effects and metal properties, positioning, fitting, welding and material handling. 

South Seattle College now offers a Welding I-BEST program. Students achieving a CASAS score of 220 and who complete an interview with the instructor can enroll in our Fall Quarter Welding I-BEST cohort.

For more information, please visit our Welding Fabrication Technology webpage.


Chase Magliocca, MEd - Programs Director, I-BEST & JIS 
Phone: 206.934.5834    
Email: chase.magliocca@seattlecolleges.edu

Culinary Arts I-BEST PROGRAM

Students prepare for work in restaurants, hotels, cruise lines, catering, or their own businesses.

Students must achieve a CASAS score of 220 and who have completed an interview with the instructor can enroll in the program.


Chase Magliocca, MEd - Programs Director, I-BEST & JIS 
Phone: 206.934.5834    
Email: chase.magliocca@seattlecolleges.edu

Landscape Horticulture I-BEST PROGRAM

Prepare to work in lawn service, groundskeeping, nurseries, greenhouses, and garden centers

Students with a CASAS score of 220 and who have completed an interview with the instructor can enroll in the program.


Chase Magliocca, MEd - Programs Director, I-BEST & JIS 
Phone: 206.934.5834    
Email: chase.magliocca@seattlecolleges.edu