High School 21+

Basic & Transitional Studies

High School 21+

Adults who lack a high school diploma now have a new way to get a second chance. It's called High School 21+, and it allows students to earn high school credit by completing coursework in our Basic and Transitional Studies division. It's less expensive than our traditional Adult High School Completion program, and graduates earn an actual diploma rather than a GED or other certificate.

View a sample schedule and quarterly to-do list

Who is eligible?

Students must be 21 or older, lack a high school diploma, and attend an orientation session where they qualify to receive services from our division. Students must also score at an eighth-grade reading level on the assessment test given during orientation. Students who score below that level can enroll in Adult Basic Education classes to help them improve their scores, but that coursework does not count toward the completion of their diploma. 

How does High School 21+ compare to the GED and the traditional Adult High School Completion program?

High school 21+ provides another option. Unlike the GED, High School 21+ awards actual high school diplomas. Unlike the traditional Adult High School Completion program, High School 21+ costs of $25 per quarter instead of hundreds of dollars or more each quarter.

High School 21+ also gives students credit for things they already know. Students who provide documentation of career training, college-level coursework or other competencies can have that experience evaluated for credit toward their diploma.

What classes are available?

Students take classes based on any gaps between their high school transcripts and the graduation requirements established by the Washington State Board of Education. Available coursework includes:

  • Algebra/Geometry
  • Basic Math
  • Career Pathways
  • Civics
  • Current Affairs
  • Digital Literacy 
  • Fine Arts
  • Health
  • Lab Science
  • Language Arts 
  • Physical Education
  • Pre-Algebra
  • Science
  • US History/Washington State History

Students also fill gaps by providing evidence of prior-learning, such as professional certifications, college transcripts, or other documentation. 

Please Note: Classes are only offered at the main South Seattle College campus in the daytime.

How do I get started with classes?

Before entering the High School 21+ program, students must:

  • Complete the ABE Application form. We will use that application to enroll you into our remote program orientation.
  • Attend the mandatory remote orientation.

New Student Sign-up Schedule:

Enrollment for Spring quarter classes will start on February 1, 2025.