Diesel Industrial Sector Cohort (DISC)

An Industry Connection to the Workforce

South Seattle College has formed the Diesel Industry Sector Cohort (DISC) program in partnership with some of Seattle’s largest diesel employers to offer industry-focused training through the college’s Diesel & Heavy Equipment Technology department. With DISC, top employers from the private sector sponsor a student of their choosing with an eye towards employment during (and at the completion of) the program. South seeks to find all students an industry sponsor before graduation.

The Nuts & Bolts of DISC

Upon successful completion of the program, students earn an Associate of Applied Science degree in Diesel & Heavy Equipment Technology, and will be well-positioned to enter the industry as a full-time technician.

Learning opportunities are complemented by hands-on instruction provided by sponsoring companies in the industry. As a sponsored student, you may be offered a paid internship which allows you to get ahead of the learning curve, familiarize yourself with company culture and work with relevant technology in the industry.

Help Wanted

The DISC program was created in response to a high industry demand for experienced diesel technicians. Advances in mechanical design and technology have created a need for formally trained technicians in the industry. South Seattle’s Diesel & Heavy Equipment Technology program is designed for immediate job entry, teaching a foundation of career-ready skills in the classroom and on-the-job.

Paying for the Program

There are multiple options to pay for the program. For those who qualify, state and federal funds are available. Select students may also be sponsored by participating employers. Some sponsors offer a paid internship (17 hours a week) during the program to help offset costs, while others pay for the entire cost of the program.