Manufacturing Academy

The Manufacturing Academy (MA) is a short-term training program primarily for entry-level and reentering professionals wanting to update and expand their skill set in the world of diversified and advanced manufacturing

Learn more and apply on the Aerospace Joint Apprenticeship Committee (AJAC) Manufacturing Academy website.

Program is made up of two short-term certificates (please see Program Information section below for details on each) :

  • Industrial Manufacturing Basics (13 credits)
  • Industrial Manufacturing Advanced (14 credits)

In recent years, the manufacturing industry has been a staple, living wage job for many residents in the Puget Sound. With manufacturing on the rise this short-term professional technical certificate supports introductory skill building in new and traditional manufacturing techniques including industry certifications in: Electronics, Blueprint Writing, CPR/First Aid, Flagging, OSHA 30, LEAN Manufacturing, Composites and Welding.

Graduates have the opportunity to be hired directly by employers that support the program and interview candidates. The result from this program is a skilled pipeline of entry level workers to support the growing number of industrial manufacturing jobs in the region. The Academy provides students a pathway to enter into an apprenticeship or continue their education with the Seattle College District. Credits earned in this program may transfer into other industrial educational pathways at South Seattle College or in the district. Successful completion of the Manufacturing Academy may satisfy the minimum requirements for entry into the Aerospace Joint Apprenticeship Committee program.

Program Information

Basics Qualifications: Industrial Manufacturing Basics Certificate

Technical Specialty Courses General Topic Hours Credits
HOM 171 Lift Truck Operator (Forklift Cert) 11 1
IFS 100 Industrial Safety CPR/First Aid 22 2
MATH 110 Applied Math for Technicians 33 3
INT 101 Manufacturing Basics 22 lecture/
28 lab
INT 108 lntro. To Blueprint Reading for Construction 33 3
INT 109 Flagging and Traffic Control 11 1
Program Outcomes and Student Learning Outcomes
Total Credits for Certificate   13

Advanced Qualifications: Industrial Manufacturing Advanced Certificate

Technical Specialty Courses General Topic Hours Credits
INT 112 Manufacturing Tools and Trades (Welding) 28 lecture/ 
22 lab
INT  165 OSHA 30 (General) 33 3
INT 180 Intro to Composites 22 lecture/ 
22 lab
INT 115 Lean Manufacturing 33 3
Program Outcomes and Student Learning Outcomes
Total Credits for Certificate   14

Additional Information

  • Official Course Outlines
  • Class Schedules
  • Look for Computing Technology (CTN) courses in the list.
  • There is a lab fee for all computing courses. (See the current fee schedule.)
  • All CTN classes are to meet three times a week, either Monday/Wednesday or Tuesday/Thursday for 2 hours, with an additional hour on Fridays. Monday/Wednesday classes will meet the first hour on Friday. Tuesday/Thursday classes will meet the second hour on Friday.

To learn more out more about the program and orientation information, please contact John Manning, Program Manager, at 425.625.6837 or