Title III Strengthening Institutions Grant
Overview: In October 2018, South Seattle College was awarded a 5 year, $2.1 million Title III Part A Strengthening Institutions (SIP) grant by the Department of Education.
Project Support: This Title III grant supports the overall programs and projects of South Seattle College Guided Pathways efforts and aligns with the goals and objectives of South Seattle College Spark Grant for Guided Pathways.
There are two primary Institutional Goals:
Goal 1: To increase completion and retention rates and decrease time to completion by designing and implementing a Guided Pathways structure that is supported with data tools, integrated systems, and robust communities of practice composed of Faculty, Staff and expert Coaches.
Goal 2: To Identify and address problems such as equity gaps by incorporating a Culture of Evidence that is supported with data tool and integrated systems, and Professional Development that will foster a well-rounded college practice of continuous improvement.
South’s Guided Pathways Guiding Team created this shared definition of a Culture of Evidence: An ongoing practice of gathering and curating inclusive and meaningful data, both quantitative and qualitative. This provides insight into the successes and failures of South Seattle College efforts and informs adaptable decision making for all student excellence.
A full overview of the grant’s goals and measurable objectives is available in this document.
The contents of this website were developed under a grant from the Department of Education. However, those contents do not necessarily represent the policy of the Department of Education, and you should not assume endorsement by the Federal Government.